You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

100 lines
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import { setupServer } from "msw/node";
import { http, HttpResponse, HttpResponseResolver, PathParams } from "msw";
import appsFixtures from "./apps.fixtures.json";
export const CAPROVER_TEST_DOMAIN = "caprover.test";
export const CAPROVER_TEST_PASSWORD = "password";
const TEST_TOKEN = "123";
const BASE_URI = `https://${CAPROVER_TEST_DOMAIN}/api/v2`;
const withAuth = (resolver: HttpResponseResolver): HttpResponseResolver => {
return (input) => {
const headers = input.request.headers;
if (
headers.get("x-namespace") !== "captain" ||
headers.get("x-captain-auth") !== TEST_TOKEN
) {
return new HttpResponse("", { status: 401 });
return resolver(input);
// @see
// @see
const handlers = [<PathParams, { password: string }>(
async ({ request }) => {
const credentials = await request.json();
if (
credentials.password !== CAPROVER_TEST_PASSWORD ||
request.headers.get("x-namespace") !== "captain"
) {
return HttpResponse.json({
status: 1106,
description: "Auth token corrupted",
data: {},
return HttpResponse.json({ data: { token: TEST_TOKEN } });
withAuth(() => {
return HttpResponse.json({
data: {
appDefinitions: appsFixtures,
{ name: string },
captainDefinitionContent?: string;
tarballFile?: string;
gitHash?: string;
>(`${BASE_URI}/user/apps/appData/:name`, async ({ request, params }) => {
const body = await request.json();
if (/* !body.tarballFile && */ !body.captainDefinitionContent) {
return HttpResponse.json({
status: 1100,
"Either tarballfile or captainDefinitionContent should be present.",
data: {},
const app = appsFixtures.find((app) => app.appName ===;
if (!app) {
return HttpResponse.json({
status: 1000,
description: `App (${}) could not be found. Make sure that you have created the app.`,
data: {},
const newVersion = JSON.parse(body.captainDefinitionContent).imageName;
app.deployedVersion = app.versions.length;
version: app.versions.length,
deployedImageName: newVersion,
gitHash: body.gitHash ?? "",
timeStamp: new Date().toISOString(),
return HttpResponse.json({
status: 100,
description: "Deploy is done",
data: {},
const server = setupServer(...handlers);
export default server;