-> go to actions -> entries from config menu -> entries from main menu -> configurations from adminhtml -> context-aware actions -> product -> grid -> config? -> switch store -> reminders or other quick actions with hotkey SDK: `window.CommandBar.addCommand` > To better understand programmatic commands, you can also try the following: open the Editor, click the three dots next to a command, and select Copy code. addCommand returns a promise, so you if you need to wait for it to complete, you can use await window.CommandBar.addCommand(...). ## Command action types There are currently four different command action types: Link: open a static or dynamic link Callback: run a provided javascript function Click: simulate a click or series of clicks in the DOM Webhook: POST to a provided API endpoint Context - All data added to context goes through the CommandBar.addContext SDK method. Here are two very basic examples of adding data to context. Supply a search function: ## Test Test mode ## Login Opengento c'est trop beau ! ## TODO - [ ] customize user `window.CommandBar.boot(userid)` - [ ] make it work with session key